Kelp: Superhero of the Sea

I am a sea gardener growing sugar kelp in Rhode Island, USA. Kelp is good for you & good for the planet. Learn how to be part of a superhero story in your own backyard.


If we were logical, the future would be bleak indeed. But we are more than logical. We are human beings, and we have faith, and we have hope, and we can work.
— Jacques Cousteau


On only half the land area of Maine, we could grow enough marine algae to replace all petroleum-based fuel in the U.S.
— E&T October 15, 2020


Rich in protein and vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, folic acid, and vitamin K, studies have shown significant health benefits to eating seaweed, including reduced blood pressure and improved digestive health.
— ACS Chemistry for Life, July 20, 2011
The addition of only 2% of specific seaweed species to the diet of cattle could reduce the methane emission from cattle production by 99%.
— Can Seaweed Farming Play a Role in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation?


Super-powered seaweeds could sequester around 173 million metric tons of carbon each year, about as much as the annual emissions of the state of New York.
— Oceana, October 6, 2017

Trial our sugar kelp on your farm for FREE! Participating farms should CLICK HERE to complete our kelp use survey for farmers

Trial our sugar kelp on your farm for FREE! Participating farms should CLICK HERE to complete our kelp use survey for farmers ⋆


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 Rhody Wild Blog