Exciting things ahead…

Each day, the point drives home further how much it takes to bring an idea into reality. I have always valued partnership, expert advice, and random insights from my 11 year old son. Bringing this advice from words into action can be the tricky part.

I often wish I had 24 waking hours in the day to delve into the wonderous possibilities of not just growing kelp, but growing my small business to be most impactful. Juggling the life of working a full time job, starting a new business, and feeding my kids balanced meals, I marvel at how much people everywhere have on their plates. It reminds me that at the core of what I need to do with my kelp farm, is to make choices and actions as easy as possible. Most people want to do the right thing. Often they just don’t have the time to figure out what those right things are exactly. And the competition for their attention in the news, social media, and daily life logistics, makes it even more important to make things simple.

To help me hone my offerings to individuals and businesses, I am thrilled to be joining the Social Enterprise Greenhouse Incubator cohort this August! Their mission is to creates positive social and economic impact “by providing social entrepreneurs and enterprises with the tools and networks they need to thrive… foster[ing] an ecosystem of diverse stakeholders who work to enable a more just, equitable and resilient economy.”

Stay tuned to the progress and lessons learned from the SEG for Rhody Wild Sea Gardens!


RI farmers biggest challenge